Message Boards > Follow Our Growing Foals


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Carly Rae:
Thanks!  ;D

Yes, soon I will be able to drive my car to Tenae's!  ;D Still have to book my driving test  :)

I don't think I'll be confident enough to ride Hot Shot to her place I still have so much to learn yet haha, but its almost impossible to ride there anyway because at the end of our street is a big bridge across the creek with not much room to walk and they wont put in a walk bridge  :(

Although I have walked Willow and Toby across into town, it makes people so happy to see little horses in our town because its not something you see very often; a girl walking her 2 ponies to the corner shop buying lunch haha.  :)

I will have 5 horses here, you got all names besides Snickas  :) But Toby is listed for sale, sadly. He is becoming a bit of a terror and we aren't set up for a stallion, we cant Risk Willow getting in foal again.

Oh I didn't know I didn't post about my pig! I re-homed her months ago, I found it nasty having her in a little pen with no piggy friends and only enough time to go in feed her, give her a quick hug and go, because I had been getting late home from school, and having 10 horses and 28 chickens to look after I didn't really have time to give her the love she deserved, but she went to a lovely family on 50 acres though  :)

How nice for Miss Piggy.  You really had her best interests at heart, so KUDOs for your decision!!

Hope you can find Toby a good home, too.  Sounds like you have some good plans!

There is still gelding..if he dont need em dont let him have em. He will sell much better being gelded.. sure it may mean you pay more than you make but thats how it goes.

Carly Rae:
I have thought over many times of what to do with him, and the way I see it is if I geld him I will only be selling him to get my money back from gelding him. Therefore I have no money to pay my parents back from Willow's vet bills and I cant get myself a saddle either.

And there's no point of me gelding to keep him because he will just stay in the paddock and do nothing anyway. He is also very aggressive with Hot Shot, he had actually broken through the fence and the next morning Hot Shot had a perfect bite mark on his throat, a cut across his rump and bite marks on his back legs. And he is the same to Kevin.

But its only early stages, I have had a few inquiries about him so far.  :)


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