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Flowers, Trees & trails started

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Well, it’s been a long time coming. We are finally getting started with opening up & building trails around the LP Painted Ponys Farm. It’s exciting, it’s hot & sweaty work, it’s uplifting, it’s hard work, it’s not in-expensive! All of these rolled into one…

After calling several tree companies in our area and having the Harnett County Ag guy(s) come out we found a tree cutting and property maintenance crew with an arborist on their team as well. Friday was the first day out for Around the Clock Tree Care Professionals out of Lexington, NC and a good day it was. Only three folks came out today, we met, went over the projects we are looking at and how to mesh them together.

The trees leaning towards the shop were prioritized as needing to come out &/or be trimmed first. Several trees were removed before I got my camera to start taking pics… There are limbs already on the ground from this tree.

and the tree comes down…

Trees taken out behind the shop as well.  We will have part of the trail circling past the shop.  Thankfully, Hurricane Mathew actually cleared out some of the scrub/thorny vines and we actually have partial paths cleared and ready now(no good pics of that).

What the Bradford Pear looked like in September -

and now...  We will be putting a fruit tree in here, not sure if it will be an apple, pear or fig tree yet.  Larry doesn't want any peach trees, but I want one. 

Due to finances, it will take a while to have trails weaving throughout the whole wooded parts of the 11 acres (approximately), but we are now started!!  The tree company will be coming out at least 2 more times this winter (may be a couple more, not sure yet).  Besides doing the tree removal for trails, we will be removing some more trees in front of the house and also removing some of the "bushes" that are taking over literally right in front of the house.  Eventually, the whole front yard will be done as an edible garden (fruit trees, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries - still playing with other berry ideas) and then butterfly & bee attractant bushes and mosquito repelling bushes....

The plan was to start moving the downed trees this weekend (the trees were dropped Friday morning), but Saturday I woke up feeling blah and by noon I was running a fever.  Later in the evening that fever went from bad to worse as it climbed to 102.+* (F) and pain bloomed thruout my sinus(s).   I accomplished nothing at all yesterday and so far today, I've been in/out of bed or stretched out on the couch (until now).  After a mega hot shower, the fever has broken but ...  bleh...  I am now able to type.  DR's office tomorrow(maybe) to see what's going on... 

Flowers blooming in front of the house –

We will be removing some of the shrubby flower bushes in front of the house and trimming/pruning the others once full winter is here.  I didn't know how to do that last year and will be learning to do it this winter.  Not sure yet what we'll plant in place of the ones that will come out.

OK, time for another lay-down.  with the corn husk wrap over my head/face.

WOW!  Looks like lots of positive changes going on for you, and the pictures of the flowers are just GORGEOUS!!!!

Hope you feel better soon!! 

Hope your feeling better Paula :) Nothing worse than being confined to the couch when your not feeling too well.

The works at your place sound great :)  I have to agree with Larry though in regards to the peach tree ( im thinking of pulling mine out)

Peach trees are prone to "Curly leaf" and I just cannot seem to get rid of mine. Im going to give it one last spray around March next year as the leaves start to drop off.

I have two peach trees and two nectarine trees and are in the "orchard" in a group of 4 trees - and all suffering the dreaded "Curly leaf". The one nectarine tree that has given me plenty of fruit the last three years , hasnt produced any fruit this year. The four trees are looking very average tbh.

 lovely! I missed this thread somehow.
We have a creek running through our property and it divides our house and pasture (4 acres) from our wooded (8) acres. You will love the trails through the woods! We use them for 4 wheel riding, horseback riding and walks. It's heavily wooded with blackberry bushes, beauty berries and muskidine. Love home made jelly.
I would love some fruit trees, but we are loaded with squirrels and don't think they would fair well. Though I am sure the squirrels would!!


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