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Silver City Heritage Farm:
Nectarines!! One of my favorite fruits!!

I have a question: how do you know when to harvest the almonds? They look like they're fuzzy, how do you remove the fuzz? Does it dry up and fall off? Can you eat them while they're green and fuzzy?


--- Quote from: Silver City Heritage Farm on January 23, 2018, 10:43:13 PM ---Nectarines!! One of my favorite fruits!!

I have a question: how do you know when to harvest the almonds? They look like they're fuzzy, how do you remove the fuzz? Does it dry up and fall off? Can you eat them while they're green and fuzzy?

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Almonds are actually a fruit similar to peach, except that we eat the "pit" instead of the fleshy part. 

All seeds for march garden bought! Almost time to till..... so ready for fresh veggies again!


--- Quote from: Silver City Heritage Farm on January 23, 2018, 10:43:13 PM ---Nectarines!! One of my favorite fruits!!

I have a question: how do you know when to harvest the almonds? They look like they're fuzzy, how do you remove the fuzz? Does it dry up and fall off? Can you eat them while they're green and fuzzy?

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Well I dont actually lol. I do know that they are the first ready each year. Its one of those things that needs regular checking. Once I see 1-2 open on the ground , I net for a couple of weeks. Once I see more on the ground I know to pick them all before the sun bursts them.

Pear trees have been netted , My Zucchinis are flowering as are cucumbers.  Tomatoes are starting to grow and there plenty of flowers. Corn is steadily growing too. Watermelon is my trial and error this year. They are growing well so far but not sure I got the seedlings into the ground early enough.

Pictures soon :)

Silver City Heritage Farm:
Holly, when do anticipate being able to start planting? Do you start yours inside and then transplant?

I'm working on my plans too.  Hopefully, I haven't killed my last few roses, firethorn and a jessamine by leaving them in pots overwinter.

I think our spring will be late coming this year. My daffodils are JUST start to poke their tips out. Usually, we have blooms by mid January.

I'll be planting the Heritage seeds Paula gave me for Christmas. (Teeeheehee....thanks again, Paula!!) I'll also watch and see how many volunteer tomatoes come up. Then, I'll add more, plant PLENTY of corny, corn, corn, bell peppers and flowers. Haven't decided what else yet, but I'm sure there will be more.


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