Author Topic: Flowers, Trees & trails started  (Read 2819 times)

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Re: Flowers, Trees & trails started
« Reply #15 on: December 06, 2016, 06:52:25 PM »
Sorry to hear you're still a bit under-the-weather, but WHAT an undertaking!!  That is going to be great fun for you when it's all done!!

Rest up and get well......and that's an order!!!   C:-)
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Offline paintponylvr

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Re: Flowers, Trees & trails started
« Reply #16 on: December 06, 2016, 10:33:36 PM »
Actually, Ryan, I agree on the Before/After type pics.  Course, if I was real good, I'd have taken pics before they/we actually did the work.  It's pretty amazing to have so much of it "naturally cleared".  We decided that the reason it's so clear is the very weird weather we've had.  All the wet and rain and wind - there were MASSIVE areas that had no undergrowth this fall (thank goodness).  However - we did see where a new batch is started and if it were to stay warm - it would take off and we'd have to clear the trails of the vines (with large thorns!).  Also, both on our property and with some others I've already spoken to, there is a lot of damage to young trees - they are rotted/rotting and covered in moss which will cause other issues.  We are taking down a LOT of saplings for this reason - it completely caught me by surprise - and leaving the larger, established trees (which have no moss on them or hollowed out spots at the bottom).

Yes, we will be planting more trees.  Some, even around the "forest," will be fruit trees.  Probably not citrus (tho I do plan on planting some of those) - those I will plant closer to the house where we can care for it during the times when the temps plummet.  Figs do well, apple could be planted along some of the trails.  Others will be hardwoods - locust is a good one.  It will grow here (takes a long time) and is great for fence posts. Should have some when we need to be replacing some of our posts later.  Think Cedar will grow as well (have to check) - good for projects for us in the future and longer down the road, to whomever ends up with our property.  I'm hoping one or all 3 of the girls will do something that will allow them to take on the property, but not sure that will happen.  Their lives have taken some very different turns - tho they all do still have some interest in what we are doing with the ponies...  At this time, they aren't interested in the chickens or the rabbits (& when goats/hogs are mentioned they get quite disturbed!).  LOL

I'm learning more about the "permaculture movement" along with homesteading.  Trying to work out companion planting so that trees can have other edibles/herbs/nitrogen fixers planted around them that work together for the betterment of both.  Much to learn - and it's interesting, too.  Then to see if I can grow such plants - that be the biggest issue!

I think that satellite view was taken about 3.5-4 years ago.  I noticed when we were marking the trails in the red section that it was noticeably "clearer" than when the pictures were shot from above.  I'm wondering if either/both of the blue marked sections is similar.  There are now many large/larger trees down on the ground and few to no saplings growing around some of those. The dead trees already on the ground will mostly be left alone.  Some or most will be moved around to accommodate putting some trails thru the areas, but then will be left to naturally decompose.  A few of the less rotten/decomposed ones (hard wood) may be collected to add to our fire wood pile(s).  As we remove trees, it will be decided as to how/where they will go.  Some will be left to line the trails (keeping folks on the trails rather than going thru wherever they please), others will be moved to communal rot/grow piles and others will be completely taken out from the area(s) - to go to use for raised garden bed(s), firewood for home/small outdoor fire pit and bonfire pile (in the pony pasture).  There are a couple of large "pits" where BIG trees came down/uprooted.  Think we'll add some of the tree leavings back into those to back fill them, add some dirt and pony manure from pony areas, then plant into those to see what happens.  At least one of those is close enough to open areas that it will get plenty of sunlight to allow for planting some interesting plants/herbs.  I didn't take any pics of those yet.  Didn't even think about that, LOL.

The woman (& more than one husband) had owned this land since around 1997.  There is an amazing collection of trash in different areas - just in the red section and I know of several in the blue section in area just below house and/or sandwiched between our home and the 2nd one at bottom of pic.  One whole area is all kinds of wiring/cable.  May have been left by cable/power company but I'd like to think not.  All different sizes.  Some will be heavy & hard to clean up and move!  I've heard that Wayne, the last husband and whom we met, wasn't a heavy drinker - but there are a couple of different areas with a TON of beer cans just left to "rot" there.  Something tells me that I will find other areas when we start doing more trails. I will have well over 10 bags of cans to take down to the local fire department when I start bagging them.   The fire department then turns them in and uses the $$ for the fire department.  The fire department is about 2 1/2 miles down the road from us.  A very large or maybe several pieces of carpet are laying in one area dumped behind the shop.  I wonder if I move it what's under it.  Can I leave it?  These are just a few questions/thoughts that I have...  There are at least 3 different junk piles which we will eventually address.  I've found an old enameled bath tub which will hold water (we just need to move it to the paddock behind the house - haven't done that yet).  Another old enameled tub is in the area where he had a shooting range set up.  It's shot full of holes.  Will need to go to the dump.  Heavy and not easy to get any equipment to to pick up/move - SIGH.  Hmm, might be able to move it into an area where we can put it upright and use it to plant flowering herbs &/or flowers (I LOVE lavender and in the forested areas anything that will repel mosquitos would be good) - the bullet holes should help to drain it during our heavy rains! Ideas, ideas!  There is a lot of junk on this place - much of it buried under several layers of pine straw and other debris.

Yes, this property will keep us busy for years to come...  BUT I'm looking forward to starting to USE it, too.
Paula Hoffman
LP Painted Ponys
Cameron, NC

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Re: Flowers, Trees & trails started
« Reply #17 on: December 06, 2016, 10:54:14 PM »
Thanks Diane!

Yesterday was such a beautiful day sandwiched between many gray, wet ones! I'm glad that I spent the time outside that I did, since today at work we had a couple of people out sick (1 employee and 1 very dependable volunteer) and I ended up "working in the back".  I think I recovered 20 of the 30 dogs after surgery.  My legs, back and overall desk chair conditioned body are very much complaining!  Our main vet is also sick and we all seem to have been or are sick from different things (I had/have bronchitis, another employee had the flu, current employee out has strep throat, vet probably sick due to several flying "jags" and exposures she's had - she too has a deep racking cough when it hits right now).  I washed the majority of the instruments from the surgeries (OMG - I haven't done that in over a year - thought my hands were raw from braiding, now I have mega cracked skin and a few ahhh abraded spots/cuts), did some of the laundry and then tucked back into my normal role of answering the phones and scheduling appointments.  I'd never been so glad to SIT DOWN, ROFL...  and it was such a relief to sit in the truck that I just sat for about 5 minutes before starting it to go home.  Even short handed and having a brand new piece of equipment go on the fritz, we were all out of there only 1/2 hour late! 

So, I've fallen asleep at least 2x while trying to catch up on email and forums.  I'm off to bed to sleep for healing (hopefully).

Hope everyone enjoys their evening.
Paula Hoffman
LP Painted Ponys
Cameron, NC

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Re: Flowers, Trees & trails started
« Reply #18 on: December 28, 2016, 01:35:41 PM »
Paula, you have the type of place that I've always noticed needs attention in early winter. There's been enough time for the weather to knock out the undergrowth, leaving the saplings behind.

As I'm learning here, no matter how much you want to get it done RIGHT NOW, it is a work in progress. I only have 2/3 of an acre so I know for you it's 21x more irritating, challenging and at times depressing to see how much still needs to be done.

Having your plans mapped out definitely makes a bit easier though! We still need to get our place surveyed and it's too small to be able to effectively use the overhead shots for planning like you have.
Silver City Heritage Farmstead

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Offline dcwolcott

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Re: Flowers, Trees & trails started
« Reply #19 on: December 28, 2016, 06:00:53 PM »
You might try the Property Appraiser's site in your County.  Usually they have aerial shots, and you should be able to "blow it up" and give yourself an edge!
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Offline paintponylvr

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Re: Flowers, Trees & trails started
« Reply #20 on: December 28, 2016, 07:21:06 PM »
HI JULIE - YAY, It's great to "c" you!!!  Hope you had a good Christmas and I'm looking forward to talking to you.

I agree Julie - It's been a lot of depressing!!  I do know that there is a lot less undergrowth this year than there was last year at this time (I know, I tried to walk thru it + we had the dogs get out several times and we had to chase them down in those THORN THICKETS that aren't there this year).  Challenging!  That's a great word!!  I'm concerned about whats going to happen with the trails once we get them established and how hard they may be to maintain...  Hmmm...  Pretty sure it will be almost constant work and yes, I'm really glad we don't have more acreage - though at one time i definitely wanted more.  We've got a nice "slice", LOL.

Diane - some of those pics here in NC aren't big enough to allow you to blow them up "nice".  Part of our property is also in a 2nd county - and that one doesn't have pics of it at all!  Julie is also in a different county - have no idea what she may have available.
Paula Hoffman
LP Painted Ponys
Cameron, NC

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Re: Flowers, Trees & trails started
« Reply #21 on: January 14, 2017, 08:39:03 AM »
Have a crew coming today and we will be working (well, I won't, I'd be in the way) on the floor in the fireplace room.  Larry and I had purchased the sub-flooring and the vinyl wood look flooring strips some time ago but just hadn't gotten around to doing anything - since we'd been so overwhelmed.  Also, I found out it will be tough for me to do some of this work - I no longer have the strength to pull up the sub-floor that is there (most is in good shape - but has had dog urine leak thru carpet/liners so is being replaced in many areas).  Kneeling is also not a real good idea - between my size, lack of current flexibility and the knee surgery i had some 20 years ago, I find that that is very difficult for any amount of time - making kneeling projects pretty much a moot point.  This getting older business has been less than fun the last few months!

Found out that the guy/gal who I hired to come out and start helping on getting our trails in work on houses as well.  He's a sub-contractor.  SOOO - we started working on the floor last week - right before the storm hit (they actually had to leave early since storm arrived hours earlier than expected and their area was hit first).  Larry and I didn't get any more accomplished again - even tho I had 2 days off after the storm due to ice/school closures.

We did do some more clearing of debris the last two times they have come out - just not doing what I'd originally planned (explained in a new post in a moment).

It's been a wild mix of clearing trees/trails; cleaning up debris and now working on the house, too. 

We actually have another floor which we may have to work on(our master bath - who carpets the darn bathroom - wall to wall?????) and next payday Larry and I will be ordering the flooring to take care of the DR and the LR.  Eventually, the whole house will have all the floors redone, the front porch redone (it's starting to rot out) in that composite wood (NO ROTTING, yea!).

Then will look at putting in a french door on the dining room to a deck (composite wood) that will then extend around our above ground pool.  By then, the above ground pool (not the most expensive, but really nice to have) may have outlived it's life and will need to be replaced and we think we may go ahead and do that because it does help us to cool off in the summer and offers copious amounts of water should we have anything major go wrong and need it.  We would have to redo the stairs on those soon - had a lot of problems with the single, narrow climb stairs 2016 season - which limited my use of the pool - even when I kind of needed it.

Paula Hoffman
LP Painted Ponys
Cameron, NC

Offline dcwolcott

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Re: Flowers, Trees & trails started
« Reply #22 on: January 15, 2017, 06:09:06 PM »
Sounds like a lot of work, take care of yourself!  We don't want you out of commission!
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Re: Flowers, Trees & trails started
« Reply #23 on: January 17, 2017, 08:44:15 PM »
ROFLMA(arse)O!!!!  U R 2 Funny, Diane...  Please note - I stated that I am not doing this work, LOL.

Yes, Eric (contractor) mentioned something about part/full time employees.  I just laughed!  I have no idea how some folks do it (yes, I do - they have $$ behind them and they do have employees or volunteers that come out and do the work necessary)...  I even have 2 tractor trailers on the property that can be changed into housing (albeit small - but could be done, tho not in our financial budget right now).

That is probably a minimum of 5 yrs of "planned" work - and will be done when we have the finances available.  I went ahead and pulled some funds out of some of my investments (which aren't earning anything and I find losing even a few cents unbearable) - that is how I've set up to have this help (which we hope will get us going and set up for what we need)...  And then when ever we have any extra $$ we are putting it into either paying more on the mortgage or on improving the property.  Trying not to get to frivolous, LOL.

Probably should invest in a "real" fence for the back yard - large enough to keep the darned dogs in...  :(  4 of the 6 dug under the chain link pen today and went for a run again...  Got the call from the neighbors and Larry has been up since about 4-ish (would be 4 am for him)...  Last week - they actually pulled the chain link apart with their teeth and I'm at a loss as to what to use to fence them in right now...

They look so innocent -

Notice the holes they are napping in -

Paula Hoffman
LP Painted Ponys
Cameron, NC

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Re: Flowers, Trees & trails started
« Reply #24 on: January 17, 2017, 09:19:55 PM »
It will be 10 years this August since we brought the property we are now at. Its been a long process but a great rewarding one to say the least. I actually have the original photos of the day we brought the place and when we get a day where its not windy ( which is two a year lol) I hope to get the drone working as Id love to get a few Ariel shots. I dont thnk there will ever be a day where I can say "Its finished" , I think living on land is always considered a working progress.

Your dogs look like they were stopped in the middle of getting up to mischief :)

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Re: Flowers, Trees & trails started
« Reply #25 on: January 17, 2017, 09:23:17 PM »
Some pics of the flooring -

Before (didn't need any close up reminders of how hard it is to keep clean w/ 6 dogs... some of whom insist that going inthe house is SSSOOOO much better then freezing their poor "hinnies"...)

Paula Hoffman
LP Painted Ponys
Cameron, NC

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Re: Flowers, Trees & trails started
« Reply #26 on: January 17, 2017, 09:28:38 PM »
Too true Ryan, too true!

I still wish this dream come true could have happened a little earlier in our lives...  Like how come we couldn't find this in 2004 - when we moved into the lease of 9 acres just 20 miles from here?  Sigh...  O yes, we were re-building our credit after having some major previous life changes in 1999.  We couldn't have purchased it then, even had it been available. ;)

working on the pics of the flooring now.
Paula Hoffman
LP Painted Ponys
Cameron, NC

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Re: Flowers, Trees & trails started
« Reply #27 on: January 17, 2017, 09:33:34 PM »
Why was the subfloor ripped out?  I thought they just added a new layer before laying new flooring.  That's what we did in the two places that got new vinyl in this house.  My office carpet was just laid on the existing subfloor, it was in decent shape.
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Re: Flowers, Trees & trails started
« Reply #28 on: January 17, 2017, 10:41:09 PM »
Most parts of it were in good shape, actually. 

EXCEPT where the dog pee had leaked thru the carpet/liners.  While the sub-flooring wasn't breaking down due to wet, the smell remained...  None of us could smell it during this cold.  But wait till it warms up - the scent would waft up right thru the new flooring.  Besides our dogs (bad doggies), there were several areas where I know we've never cleaned up any urine or otherwise - yet the stains showed definite soiling.  Previous owners had had dogs as well...

There are now several spots in the kitchen, dining room and living room that actually have the subflooring collapsing in between the floor joists.  I never realized that when a floor is built, that there isn't anything done across the floor joists in most cases (like stringers over rafters in a roof) and I was surprised!  We aren't sure yet what is causing that phenomenon.  Guess we'll find out when we get that far!  With as sturdy as the fireplace room seemed to be, this is a huge surprise.  We'll have to see how much of that flooring we'll need to replace.

We've ordered subflooring and the same type/color vinyl flooring for the dining & living rooms.  Not sure when we are going to attempt to take them apart for this project.  To say that that is where we "live" when we are awake and inside is an understatement....
Paula Hoffman
LP Painted Ponys
Cameron, NC

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Re: Flowers, Trees & trails started
« Reply #29 on: January 17, 2017, 10:52:14 PM »
O, I forgot to mention that we worked about 4 hours on Saturday doing the trails.  Some of that was taking down trees that were/are in the power line that runs from "our" transformer to our neighbors house (the 3 acres that used to be part of this place).  Some of those trees will need more crew to work on it - they are too tall for a single person to work on from the ground. 

I took about 200 photos on Sunday while the floor was being laid.  Most look the same as some of the others do.  Haven't started working on resizing them or getting them on line yet.
Paula Hoffman
LP Painted Ponys
Cameron, NC