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Hello Diane.
   I'm exploring and love it! Thank you so much for inviting me. And, thank you for everything else!
I'm still in the midst,  but will keep you informed. Ain't countin the chickens if you get my drift. Hahaha
Oh, I do have a question. If a mare delivers two still-born foals within 3 1/2 years, would you breed her again, or retire her?
Thank you again for your kindness and willingness to help with my journey. 🐎🐎

If this is from the breeder we have been talking about, I would dare say I would actually try it again, as with the care you would give, and with our friends here, I'm sure she can delivery a healthy little one.  That person is more a breeder who just lets things go by, as she is all about LOUD quantity, not necessarily the most caring person who would watch and make sure the mare got everything she needed during pregnancy.  We have a pretty good record here, and if its the mare we've spoken about, I know her breeder, and she should have no trouble.  She's already produced 2 fine offspring before going to this farm.


Sorry just saw this! Yes, its the same... the mare is pregnant right now! Last two were stillborn.  She wants 1000 for her. But, I really wasnt considering breeding or having a baby so soon. Whats your opinion? Kind of apprehensive--

First, I know of few people that would ever say a foal is stillborn.  They can have, say, a twisted cord and die in utero, and then be delivered dead, but I don't know of any that were just born as a stillborn foal except in Rh factors.

I have heard, but not experienced, the death of foals sometimes with repeated breedings to a particular stallion, when there is a Rh factor blood type incompatibility.  Just like in humans that have a negative blood type, carrying a positive blood type baby.  My daughter, for example, is A- blood type, so she receives a shot for Rh incompatibility.  If she is bred to the same stallion, in that case, and offspring could be a stillborn, and die in utero.

I could be wrong, and ask others to correct me.  She may have also had a difficult delivery, with no attendance at birth, and the baby be found dead and the owner call it a stillborn.  However, this breeder is showing a horse as "sold" that I know the horse actually died.  But apparently rather than admit it, she marked the horse sold -- as a friend had an interest in it, and was told the horse died. So, with this breeder, it's a bit confusing when talking truth.

But as I say, I know this mares breeder, and she breeds quality, not quantity, so, I'd probably still take a chance. 

But perhaps our friends here could render an opinion.  If she's pregnant for a spring foal, traveling would be safe at this point for her.


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