Author Topic: spring 2020 check-in...  (Read 5098 times)

Offline Chanda

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spring 2020 check-in...
« on: March 18, 2020, 12:02:38 AM »
Perhaps we should periodically post to this thread and let everyone know we are doing well during this self-quarantine period (or forced, depending on where you may be).

We are doing well so far.  I am going to make a trip to town tomorrow for chiropractor (I called Monday, he's staying open for now), feed (called yesterday, they are open for now), a few groceries (they are limiting some items; two loaves bread, 10# meat per trip/day), and check out the new store (Family Dollar moved into the Shopko building recently).  [for those that didn't have one, all Shopko closed last summer.  Discount store similar to Walmart, but smaller.]
HC Minis

Stallions: Little Kings Cat on Top, Paper Mache`
Mares: Misty, Tana, Sophia, Bliss, Bonny, Dolly and Baybe
Geldings: Dakota, Monte and Manny, Spotty
Donkey: Tilly

Offline Chanda

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Re: spring 2020 check-in...
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2020, 12:05:41 AM »
Forgot to add, I've kept busy with a bit of quilting.
Almost finished with two gift quilts, no pics til they are gifted.
Finished one cause I liked the fabric and pattern (it's available, and will be the picture).
Another is ready to quilt.
Almost finished with a flannel top.
Have a kit ready to start.
And, a pile of fabric, screaming for a pattern.
The weather is warming up, but that leaves mud, so I'm not out there yet.
HC Minis

Stallions: Little Kings Cat on Top, Paper Mache`
Mares: Misty, Tana, Sophia, Bliss, Bonny, Dolly and Baybe
Geldings: Dakota, Monte and Manny, Spotty
Donkey: Tilly

Offline dcwolcott

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Re: spring 2020 check-in...
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2020, 08:27:41 AM »
I was jut thinking about this and how everyone is faring.

My daughter Katy, the Surgeon, has my family on high alert.  She is extremely concerned for this virus, and the severity of it all.  She has changed all our minds on how we, as a family, are viewing this.  Katy is the Chief of Surgery at Brooke Army Medical Center and has shared with us what actions the Military are taking, which has put our family on higher alert and helped us realize how serious the risk is for contracting this virus.  For example, Katy and her family will be missing a family wedding, as the Military are now NOT allowed to leave base and travel until sometime in May!!  The three counties that surround the county I live in, have been designated by the military as "self quarantine" if you've visited or traveled through these counties.  A bit scary.  So we are all staying home, kids are out of school of course, all sports events cancelled, and we are helping each other out with shopping if and when we must or babyitting -- but our children are NOT allowed to visit their friends because they could bring home the virus to us "oldies" and we can't afford to contract it.  Praying all is well for everyone here.   ;pray ;pray

Check in everyone, and let us know how you are doing!    ;pray ;pray
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Offline Chanda

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Re: spring 2020 check-in...
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2020, 06:54:05 PM »
Did make it to town, skipped the chiropractor, hope I don't regret it before I can try again.  picked up groceries, what we could get that we needed; items were limited to 2 or under 10# for fresh items.   
So we each picked a line, so we could get 4 milk, since it's lactose-free it comes in 1/2-gal rather than gallon.  And, 4 bread items: two hot dog buns and two loaves of bread (one French for me, as I love the stuff).  Then just a few small items.
I think I got enough feed for probably a month, but I'm trying a new feed, so we'll see how it pans out.  Will need to put it on the special order list to get more in stock before I need more; as it's not a regular item, but it seems to be a better fit for my horses, now that the company changed up the formula on the main feed I use (increased protein, decreased fiber, and improved the mineral profile - I'm fine with the mineral improvement, not happy about the other).
HC Minis

Stallions: Little Kings Cat on Top, Paper Mache`
Mares: Misty, Tana, Sophia, Bliss, Bonny, Dolly and Baybe
Geldings: Dakota, Monte and Manny, Spotty
Donkey: Tilly

Offline Ryan

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Re: spring 2020 check-in...
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2020, 08:39:00 PM »
It is spreading like wildfire here. I have no doubt we will be in lock down soon enough. People have been panic buying for the past month and there is barely anything left on the shelves. Toilet paper seems to be the first thing to sell out each day. I got some feed the other day, but im thinking I better start to stock up on that before it becomes top of the list for people and they start panic buying that too.

My mum is waiting for a transplant , so I haven't been able to go near her for a few weeks now. I was sick with a head cold a few weeks back and just cant take any chances passing it on. We have been chatting on the phone daily and if she needs anything I will drop it round and leave it at the door.

Most events, large gatherings, concerts have been cancelled. Some sports are still playing but with no spectators. Some schools have closed early before Easter holidays start.

I just hope this all passes soon, its quite scary , the unknown.

Hope you are all ok over there  ;pray

Offline Chanda

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Re: spring 2020 check-in...
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2020, 10:35:52 PM »
Well, today's trip through the grocery store was interesting.  They were limiting entrance to 20 customers at a time; so an employee was standing at the door; letting one in, when someone left.  And, only one person from a family allowed entrance at the same time (not sure how they were policing that; other than fairly small community and they know many of their customers by face, if not name).
HC Minis

Stallions: Little Kings Cat on Top, Paper Mache`
Mares: Misty, Tana, Sophia, Bliss, Bonny, Dolly and Baybe
Geldings: Dakota, Monte and Manny, Spotty
Donkey: Tilly

Offline Chanda

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Re: spring 2020 check-in...
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2020, 02:22:59 PM »
How dumb is it that now that I can't go out (shouldn't go out), I want to go out?
We live very rural, 65 miles from the town we usually shop in, go weekly or every other week for supplies, but otherwise stay home.  Most of the time, that suits me just fine, and I don't want to go anywhere or see anyone; I'm perfectly fine interacting this way, don't need no stickin' face to face contact with anyone.  And, now that I'm supposed to stay home, I want that contact.   I think I'm losing it.   
I do have 3 horses to try to get their hooves trimmed today, so that will keep me busy for awhile.  also need to do dishes, and another load or two of laundry (first load is in the washer).
We are still under some snow, and where there isn't snow there is mud, so finding a dry place to trim horses will be interesting.  The barn is flooded or icy, cause it's on a hill slope, and water runs through it in the spring; I did get a trench dug a couple weeks ago, so much of the water is flowing through, but then the cold days hit and it's a layer of ice, for which I bought some sand to throw down.
HC Minis

Stallions: Little Kings Cat on Top, Paper Mache`
Mares: Misty, Tana, Sophia, Bliss, Bonny, Dolly and Baybe
Geldings: Dakota, Monte and Manny, Spotty
Donkey: Tilly

Offline Anna

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Re: spring 2020 check-in...
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2020, 04:21:14 PM »
Things are getting pretty dire here too. Expecting an announcement any minute now forcing a full lock down throughout the UK just because most of the stupid whatsits wont obey the 'please stay indoors or if having to go out, then keep a two metre distance at least from the nearest person'. All major supermarkets seem to be out of essential supplies - well not actually out, but they cant get deliveries in fast enough to fill the shelves. And what is this extreme need to bulk buy loo rolls world wide???? Luckily our wonderful little local shop will stay open as long as possible with the intention - if it is forced to close its doors - of keeping one volunteer inside and asking village folk to phone on orders which will then be packed up and either delivered by other volunteers or be left on the bench outside to be collected by those ordering.  Bless them all I say! We are all doing our best to stop this awful virus from spreading on a personal level - daughter has to come here as I cannot wheelbarrow the daily hay out through the mud to feed the minis, but she arrives via my back porch, strips off clothes and bags them, steps sideways into the spare shower before she enters the barn. So as I don't have to go out, I'm hoping that we will be reasonably safe. Can understand your worry about Katy and family Diane, will keep my fingers crossed for her and for all of you at this very worrying time. By the way I am in touch with Renee on Face Book and as of now she is coping ok and sends her love to you all. Take care all and keep safe xx

Offline Ryan

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Re: spring 2020 check-in...
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2020, 06:15:25 PM »
We are the same here, waiting on an announcement enforcing a full lock down. Personally, I think it should have been done two weeks ago. Numbers are increasing daily and I am becoming more worried for my mum, the elderly and others that are not well enough to fight this, should they get it.

Take care of all of you  ;pray ;pray ;pray

Offline dcwolcott

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Re: spring 2020 check-in...
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2020, 08:34:10 AM »
Glad you are doing okay my dear friend, and that you are in touch with Renee and she is coping well.  Tell her I send her my love and prayers that she remains safe and well.

Your daughter sounds like a dream for helping you with the minis, and is doing good control to keep herself and you safe from this virus.  We "goodies AND oldies" need to be the most cautious, and I'm very thankful for my family running errands and grocery shopping, etc., for me.

Thank you for the prayers for Katy.  She has surgeons and others on her staff that have tested positive and she's trying to keep staff organized but safe and healthy.  With 500 employees involved with the surgical staff at the hospital it's a lot of people to have laying heavy on your heart.  She is struggling with wishing she could just make the problem go away and for her staff and their families to be healthy and safe.  Meanwhile, Mom is having to speak with her as she goes to work every morning to "buck her up" and give her some special love and caring to keep her strong and hopeful for tomorrow.  Her family is doing well, but she is sure scared that going to the hospital each day and coming home to the family will bring this horrid virus to her children.  Her home is set up for quarantine like a hospital, and procedures in place to keep the family away from uniforms worn at work, etc.  Unfortunately, having to practice all the "isolation tactics" at home is stressful too, and she is fighting hard to keep from being scared and depressed.  But she's a strong girl, and with our talks and prayers each morning she seems to be doing better. 

Then there is the barrage of horrible stories and outcomes in other places from some of her military doctor friends who are practicing in other areas around the country and world or on deployment somewhere.  And as if it's not enough, the Military is getting orders that they may be shipped out to New York or Washington State or other "hot spots" as they mobilize and set up military hospitals, etc.  Personally, we can understand utilizing those who are practiced in daily primary care, internal medicine, virology, etc., but why they'd consider sending out surgeons makes no sense.  I know they are doctors, but believe me, when they function as a specialist for years doing specific types of surgery, they "lose" some of their skills in looking down your throat and in your ears.  LOL 

Praying for all here and their families and friends to be safe, LISTEN and FOLLOW directions for staying indoors and keeping distance from others  ;pray ;pray ;pray   We'll get through this, and come out healthy on the other side, I pray. 
'Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.'

Offline dcwolcott

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Re: spring 2020 check-in...
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2020, 06:54:45 AM »
Well, Katy called last night and said she has orders to deploy -- to New York City for 60 days! 

She's in better "head" shape than before and thanks everyone for their prayers -- she's turned a corner and is in good mind and heart to go to NYC and do her job.  She did say she spoke to everyone she could to see if she could get out of the deployment, since she still has to run her hospital department as Chief of Surgery at Brooke Army Medical Center, so will be taking on another job, but wasn't successful in being taken out of the deployment.  So, she's put fear in the back seat as usual and is moving forward to do her job.

She is being deployed on Thursday -- tomorrow.

Please pray for her safety,  ;pray  as NYC is considered the pandemic headquarters of the virus.  Thanks everyone
'Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.'

Offline dcwolcott

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Re: spring 2020 check-in...
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2020, 10:23:44 AM »
God works in our lives.  Katy just called and let me know that she had to go through the "screening line" as she's been running a 99 degree temperature for 2 days -- so she's been placed on home quarantine!  She'll be working from home and NOT deployed to NYC!! I'm not afraid to say I'm glad she's not going.  I know Jesus will keep her safe and healthy at home, and pray the screening test result is negative.   ;pray
'Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.'

Offline Chanda

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Re: spring 2020 check-in...
« Reply #12 on: March 25, 2020, 11:11:57 AM »
It's no surprise that NYC would be a hot spot, they are packed in like sardines, living in close quarters.   How do you stay 6' apart when there isn't 6' of room. 
Hoping this goes smoothly and we squash the curve quickly, so we can get back to normal.
HC Minis

Stallions: Little Kings Cat on Top, Paper Mache`
Mares: Misty, Tana, Sophia, Bliss, Bonny, Dolly and Baybe
Geldings: Dakota, Monte and Manny, Spotty
Donkey: Tilly

Offline Ryan

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Re: spring 2020 check-in...
« Reply #13 on: March 25, 2020, 06:10:34 PM »
I am thinking of you Diane , Please send my best to your Daughter  ;pray

I am actually thinking of all of you and I hope you stay safe. We are really in for some trying times , right across the world.

We are not in lock down yet, though I wish they would hurry up and enforce it. Its going to have a major impact on the economy here but if we don't lock down soon, each day we delay it could mean many more thousands of people die.

How are you all going with getting groceries and other things ?  ;pray

Offline Chanda

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Re: spring 2020 check-in...
« Reply #14 on: March 25, 2020, 07:32:27 PM »
Grocery is an essential service, so stores are still open, but the stock is limited or odd (it's very interesting what people are buying and how much they are buying).   Local stores are limiting entrance to 20 people at a time (only one person from a family), and have an employee standing at the door letting someone in, when someone goes out.
HC Minis

Stallions: Little Kings Cat on Top, Paper Mache`
Mares: Misty, Tana, Sophia, Bliss, Bonny, Dolly and Baybe
Geldings: Dakota, Monte and Manny, Spotty
Donkey: Tilly