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Well, we are here to be awesome, and remind you to breathe and not totally stress out.   And, you'll all have to do the same for me, when my mares get closer.

Will do!  Since I've never had to really deal with colic( like I said my one are had the most minor colic ever only one time) it scares me more than birth lol I've delivered many appys and helped with my friends mini delivery once so I feel ok so far with that!

In almost 30 years of horse ownership, started with saddle horses, minis for the last 10-11 years; I've only had a few minor colic episodes and one major, a couple of the minor ones turned out to be ulcers.    My major colic episode was while I was in college and boarding my horses, so they weren't in my care, my then 3 year old mare impacted a couple feet of small intestine, she had surgery, recovered and eventually went on to have a couple of foals and live into her 20s (I sold her in her midteens, but she was still going after that for a few years, at least before I lost track).   The minis have just had minor colics that walking took care.   [guess there was one more major colic, but likely a strangulating limpoma (sp?) in an aged half-Arab gelding, it took his life, he was 27 years old.]

Oh boy! None of that sounds fun! I'm glad that all of them worked out and didn't end up the worst . I was so nervous that something would happen and she'd pass away because my daughter's would be so upset! Another normal poop!! Looks like it's all working it's way out!

I noticed , as I said earlier , that her belly changed shape alot over the night. I'll add a picture from last week and one from today while I was in there with her!


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