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Spotty: Tana's New Colt!!

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Ok, so you might all think I'm weird, but...  Spotty likes Dr Seuss.
Spotty is a bit of a handful, and doesn't always stand well for hoof trims.  Today was hoof trim day, and the corrals are still mucky, especially the shelters, so I had to pick a dry spot outside, making it a different place for trimming, so new distractions.   He was squirmy, so I made up some Dr Seuss for him; although it was only one line, and he seemed to chill.   His Dr Seuss is: One foot, two foot, red foot, blue foot.
When I work with my squirmier horses, I tend to indicate which hoof I'm going to work on next by touching that shoulder or hip and tell them this foot.  Today, we added Dr Seuss to it.   ??? :o ;) ;D

That's an awesome way to do things!  WOW !!


--- Quote from: dcwolcott on April 20, 2018, 10:17:40 PM ---That's an awesome way to do things!  WOW !!

--- End quote ---

Sometimes I have to think outside the box, today it worked for Spotty; now if I could just come up with something for spoiled Bliss.

Silver City Heritage Farm:
No! I don't think that odd at all, rhymes for our Spotty friend.
'Cause trimming feet, as we all know's a chore that never ends.
Perhaps he's thinking just a bit, to throw your mind off track,
in case you'll change opinion and you'll leave his jew'ls intact.
If, however, they're long gone, I'm sure that you may find,
that hearing rhymes from Dr. Seuss will occupy his mind!!

I couldn't resist offering this little ditty, since "two weeks from yesterday" would have been the 18th.  Did the vet come out, test bulls and geld Spotty? I'm pretty sure winter hasn't left your part of the world yet.  If I understood the bit of weather stuff I've seen this week, the storm that sent a tornado through Greensboro NC (about 55 miles north of us) dropped snow in y'alls part of the world.  Even if it didn't, mud is only fun to slog around in during mid-summer, when it's warm outside and you're celebrating being 6-12 years old.

Vet comes on Wednesday, and no cute rhyme will save his jewels.  I have enough intact boys and do not want more spotty kids, unless of the pinto variety.
Weather is decent, we've hit 50s, so much of the snow is now gone, except for the piled up snow and one big drift in the northwest corner of the yard.    County fixed the washed out country road fairly quick, so we can drive down our county road again (it was impassible, as there was a 6" drop off and a 6' wide wash-out).


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