Author Topic: Bit annoyed  (Read 2050 times)

Offline Rocklone

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Bit annoyed
« on: August 03, 2016, 05:48:27 PM »
Bit of history, i have two lovely friends we basically chat all day every day via fb. They are both not really interested in minis and in particular breeding (as in why breed already too many horses) so i generally find any time i talk about my foal or breeding they tend to go quiet. So i sort of just stopped talking about it. But today i was trying to cover charm and banner had legs everywhere and i got in the way and he booted me. Ive a massive bruise and hurt leg, but fine otherwise. Anyway i tell my friends and as usual with this topic they totally blanked me. Not one message. they just started talking about something else. So my injury was not worth any empathy because it was related to breeding, that they don't agree with. It just really hurt to be honest.

Offline Ryan

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Re: Bit annoyed
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2016, 06:42:49 PM »
Well we are here to listen to you, be it a horse problem or something else. :)

I have friends like that too, They love to talk as long as its about them but as soon as I bring up anything regarding Horses or something happening in my life they go quiet or somehow seem to turn the conversation so it ends back on them.

Sounds like it wasnt the kick that really hurt you Rocklone , it was more the fact of the lack of support/empathy you received off your friends.

Ill be 37 in a month and one day you will get to a stage in life and at that point know who your real/true friends are. These are the ones that support "everything" you do and are there during the good and bad times.

Take care, and if you want to talk about breeding /Horses , life in general - We are all here to listen  :)

Offline dcwolcott

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Re: Bit annoyed
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2016, 07:37:25 PM »
I can't agree more with you Ryan. 

We are SOOOO here for you, and anything you want to share or talk about.  I had "friends" like that before, and I put "friends" in quotes to sound my disappointment in them.  It's always hard when the people we care about, don't seem to care about us in the same way.  Heck, I'm twice your age, Ryan, and you hit it right on!

So feel free to fill us with your news, thoughts, and whatever else you want to share.  We're happy to share right back with you, and will totally understand your horsey news too!!

Hope your leg heals up for you.  I had a stallion give me a solid hoof in my thigh once.  Poor guy, he didn't really mean it, as he was usually such a gentleman, but I had that bruise for a LONG time.  Praying for a speedy recovery, and success at breeding, as we're all very excited to see some Banner babies from these pretty ladies!!
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Offline Chanda

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Re: Bit annoyed
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2016, 01:07:13 AM »
Both Ryan and Diane said it better than I can; so can only say we are here for you, we'll listen to the trials and tribulations of breeding. 
 I have a few friends that aren't into horses, so I just don't discuss it with them specifically; sure they like the foal pics here and there and occasional other pictures; but talking to them isn't like talking to you guys, so I typically just don't and save my conversations for those that understand (no point in beating your head against the wall, which is what it feels like to talk horses around them, just easier not to).
HC Minis

Stallions: Little Kings Cat on Top, Paper Mache`
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Offline Anna

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Re: Bit annoyed
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2016, 03:48:14 AM »
Sorry to hear that you had a connection with Banner's hoof, hoping that you are not feeling too sore. I'm sure he didn't mean it, he's too nice a person.  :)
Many many years ago I had something slightly similar happen to me with an unexpected dog fight. Two of our dogs that had been best friends for several years had a "go" at each other. My Great Dane (grown up very protective and slightly agressive - not to humans) and daughters German Shepherd (older dog who was very laid back, sweet, loved everyone and everything) went head to head for some reason. Daughter wrapped her arms round Dane's neck trying to pull her backwards to no avail as the Dane was far too big and strong. For some reason, thinking I could sense the odd gap between the biting, I shoved my arm in the middle of them to push the Shepherd back - just as she lunged forward for another bite and she bit my arm. Oh my, I have never seen a dog react so quickly! She shot back for about 10 feet and sat down - even in the midst of a fight she realised that she had contacted with human flesh. At least this stopped the fight and after popping the Dane away in my car (which she loved) both daughter and I went to cuddle and reassure the now trembling Shepherd who was whining and offering kisses of apology bless her. Not her fault, just an accident in the heat of the moment.  The most annoying part of this happened later when I took myself off to the  Doctor with my blood flowing arm and was asked how this happened. Starting to explain I said 'Well my daughter's Shepherd ..........'. Instant reply was 'Typical! Those bloodly dogs want banning!' I was too angry to explain further.   >:(

Offline Rocklone

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Re: Bit annoyed
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2016, 04:50:28 AM »
I'm not very social anyway so every loss of a friend is felt lol think I've got about two left now.

Eesh that was harsh of the Doctor to say. So ignorant.

My bruise is fabulous. Last night it looked like a Buddha! You could totally see the head and smile and outline of the body. Reminded me to be a bit zen. Today it just looks like a donut lol

Offline dcwolcott

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Re: Bit annoyed
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2016, 05:40:26 AM »
I'm not a social butterfly either, and can count my friends on one hand, easily....without even using my thumb! So, I love this forum, and the chatter, and the PM messaging too.  I look forward to checking in here all the time, as it's my "friend fix".

We're here for you, and I consider everyone here as my friends, so I love to see posting on what people are doing!
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Offline Ryan

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Re: Bit annoyed
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2016, 06:00:00 PM »
Im not Either and Im a firm believer of quality over quantity :)

Hope the bruise goes down soon for you !!

Offline paintponylvr

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Re: Bit annoyed
« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2016, 06:07:14 PM »
Well, others have said things so much better than I can. 

I was a bit of a loner when I was your age and usually only had a couple of close friends at any one stage of my life.  I have "lots" of friends via FB - but really don't use FB much nor do I converse openly with folk that way.  I also don't always get instant or PM'd messages from FB on my computer OR on my phone and other times have so many blips going on that it's totally annoying!!

I usually like the forums, especially this one. I still belong to several others - horse subjects, chickens and farming.

I have been slammed a lot for my type of beliefs with the horses over the years - on all subjects from breeding & foaling, to stallions, to training, to euthanasia and keeping ponies going longer with daily drugs vs not (most times we've opted for not - NOT always due to $$, tho, yes it is a consideration).  Shoot even my way of hauling (trailering/horse floats) has often been a "hot topic" with some folks!

Personally, you develop your own beliefs as you mature and handle horses over a period of years and you will find that occasionally your beliefs and the way you do things will "evolve" (YES, change).  Then your "horsey set" friends MAY change (either the people themselves OR their actual beliefs) - as you accept others' beliefs that are along the same lines as yours become OR as yours become different from your friends' (as it sounds like your situation now).

I'm sorry that your friends don't agree with your current beliefs and therefore are missing out when you want to share an incident that one day may also occur to them.  I'm sorry that it makes you sad and lonely - that can be rough.  It may be hard to accept, but in this situation, it may be time to become "quieter" yourself with these two (or at least less available, on a daily basis)...  You will find that as your beliefs evolve and you both grow and change or just want to share your experiences, that it's much easier and less stressful over all, to do so with others that are "like minded".

Thankful you weren't more seriously injured and are on the mend.  {{{hugs}}}

Have you seen the serious injury posted on FB that occurred on 7 July to a young woman?  She goes into detail that it was an accident, happened with a well trained and seasoned horse when surprised and then detailed pics of her injury's development along with how it was treated.  It was also a kick and happened to her upper right thigh and didn't break the skin.  UGLY and eventually needed surgery for draining the hematoma.  Quite surprising!
Paula Hoffman
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Offline Lnight89

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Re: Bit annoyed
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2016, 09:25:06 PM »
It's too bad about those friends. That kind of happened to me when I got married and had my kids. ( I was 19 and had the 3 by 22) all of my single kid less friends would just blank stare at me or ignore me when I started talking about kid stuff/ house stuff etc. I decided to not care about friends who I have to try to please all the time. Maybe they will decide to change their views one day!  Glad your injury wasn't worse!

And omg I saw that post! So scary all that can happen from a kick!

Offline Rocklone

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Re: Bit annoyed
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2016, 07:22:28 AM »
Yea that post is quite mad! Mine is not that bad at  all. It was a fun bruise though. It's almost gone now lol

I've not talked to the two friends in a horse capacity yet. They are horsey and have their own but my horsey news is just never important. One got trampled by her horse a few weeks ago and it was literally two weeks of constant messages about it. But nope I didn't get one single message about mine. I'm still really annoyed about it to be honest. One also said "imagine what would happen if a mini fad started" as in they would be everywhere and being bred willy nilly - which I almost think they think is what I am doing.

They're just not interested in me. So I'll not waste my time being interested in them.

Offline Chanda

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Re: Bit annoyed
« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2016, 09:14:40 AM »
Yea that post is quite mad! Mine is not that bad at  all. It was a fun bruise though. It's almost gone now lol

I've not talked to the two friends in a horse capacity yet. They are horsey and have their own but my horsey news is just never important. One got trampled by her horse a few weeks ago and it was literally two weeks of constant messages about it. But nope I didn't get one single message about mine. I'm still really annoyed about it to be honest. One also said "imagine what would happen if a mini fad started" as in they would be everywhere and being bred willy nilly - which I almost think they think is what I am doing.

They're just not interested in me. So I'll not waste my time being interested in them.
While they haven't been actual friends (just acquaintances), sounds like a couple people I've met...  the I've done it bigger and better type people.  Doesn't matter what you did, they've done it bigger and better.  Feels like they are always trying to one up you, regardless of the story you have to tell (good, bad or otherwise).
HC Minis

Stallions: Little Kings Cat on Top, Paper Mache`
Mares: Misty, Tana, Sophia, Bliss, Bonny, Dolly and Baybe
Geldings: Dakota, Monte and Manny, Spotty
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Offline Holly

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Re: Bit annoyed
« Reply #12 on: August 06, 2016, 10:03:17 PM »
I am sorry girl!
I know most of us have been hurt by someone we thought was a friend. I ended a toxic friendship after 7 years, thought she would be a life long friend, but realized that some people change and sometimes you just have to let them go.....
Best to keep your garden of flowers weeded, if you know what I mean.
Now I on the other hand love to talk anything equine so have at it!!
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Offline dcwolcott

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Re: Bit annoyed
« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2016, 01:31:43 PM »
Oh Holly, that was soooo well put!!!  Yes, over the years the people you thought would be friends forever, just seem to drop off the map, or you help them find their way off the map, so to speak.

But I love the way you put it....keeping your garden of flowers weeded!!  Just perfectly said!!

And, I'm ready to here anything equine!!
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Re: Bit annoyed
« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2016, 08:56:29 PM »
I am sorry girl!
I know most of us have been hurt by someone we thought was a friend. I ended a toxic friendship after 7 years, thought she would be a life long friend, but realized that some people change and sometimes you just have to let them go.....
Best to keep your garden of flowers weeded, if you know what I mean.
Now I on the other hand love to talk anything equine so have at it!!

Yeah, what she said!! Everyone knows most gardens don't thrive when crowded. It's unfortunate that they are horse owners yet don't share with you. So, get to weeding and share your news with us!
Silver City Heritage Farmstead

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