Message Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: Silver City Heritage Farm on January 09, 2018, 10:12:04 AM

Title: Plans for 2018
Post by: Silver City Heritage Farm on January 09, 2018, 10:12:04 AM
I've started planning my plot layouts for the garden. I'm also working on a new project, that may involve self-employment.

I'll share more details, but in the meantime, what's everyone else working on?
Title: Re: Plans for 2018
Post by: Chanda on January 09, 2018, 03:00:06 PM
So far, just working on staying warm in 2018 and getting through winter.
Not sure what I'll have going on this summer.  Should probably paint or stain the horse shelter I built a couple summers ago, we have lots of windbreak that needs painting. I loathe painting, so it doesn't get done very fast.
I hopefully have one foal coming, and hope to cover my 3 big girls and hope they all take this time, last time, Misty didn't take.
Title: Re: Plans for 2018
Post by: Ryan on January 09, 2018, 06:34:25 PM
My biggest plan for 2018 is to try and plant all the trees I have accumulated in pots into the ground :)

Just planted my veggie garden out , Im a little late so will see what grows and what does not.

I also plan to be back in the saddle a lot more from June onwards. Im taking it easy up until then , just riding a couple of times a week for 10 min rides. I have planned a vacation at the end of May and I just want to stay sound until then :)
Title: Re: Plans for 2018
Post by: Silver City Heritage Farm on January 14, 2018, 01:30:08 PM
Ryan, feel free to share pictures from whenever you've been horseback. Do you have a large veggie garden? I hear you on the potted plants. I hope I haven't killed some roses, a jessamine and some pyracantha that I hadn't yet decided on where to plant.

After the snow, and (among other things) chicken adventures, I'm working on a new idea. I'll get pics as I go along. It's kind of going to be a greenhouse and chicken coop, semi-portable combo. *Rubbing hands and chortling*

The mission I work at has been very negatively impacted by traffic traffic being rerouted in the area. We've been told that we will have our hours cut to 11 per week. (We were 18.) Since I have a 40 minute commute, not sure this will cover travel costs.😑

One of the things I had planned to do was this same type of mission and thrift store here in my home county. On the way home from work yesterday, I got the booth rental prices from the big flea market near us. I was surprised at the low price! So, I'm going through all of my totes and repacking and labeling them. There are "keep" and "sell" totes. Whatever I make, I'll bank and save for opening up here at home! 🙆🙆

The dog you see in the snow picture is Cash, an Australian Cattle Dog mix. He came to us from the dog pound just before Christmas. I'll tell his story another day. He's very smart, and wants to please, so he and I will learn agility together this year. Since he's not too much shorter than Spanky, they can use the same course at home.

Spanky is being ground driven now. He's going to learn farm work and agility this year. Perhaps a show??

So, that's a bit of what's on my plate this year

Title: Re: Plans for 2018
Post by: Chanda on January 15, 2018, 10:05:53 PM
New plan for 2018, don't get behind on bookwork.   I just spent the afternoon catching up 9 months of quickbooks entries and my horse records (I keep a ledger of horse only expenses).  Discovered I was missing a spring bank statement (I'm on-line looking enough, that I know my checkbook is balanced), but hadn't gone through all the quickbook entries and statements.
I'm almost all the way through the ranch ledger for the CPA, partway through I realized I had some entry errors, not sure if I'll fix them or not (not $$ just category).
Winter sucks.
Title: Re: Plans for 2018
Post by: Silver City Heritage Farm on February 03, 2018, 06:46:59 PM
Apparently, self-employed is going to be my only option.....for the next 90 days and perhaps beyond.  ;) ;D

Thursday at work I had a seizure.  It's the second one I've had since my nephew passed on the 20th.  I haven't been on meds for a while (it's a long story, won't bore y'all with the details.)  When I went to my new doctor, she put me back on dilantin....and she also informed me that I would be unable to drive for the next 90 days.  :'( :'(

Normally, I'd try to make arrangements for transportation, as any responsible person does.  However, in this case, I'll be staying home.  My job is only 11-18 hours per week.  I get paid a bit more than minimum wage, but not too much more.  The mission is 28 miles door-to-door, so that is (partially) why I decided to just stay home.  By the time I paid someone for their time and gas, there wouldn't be much left.  Thank the very good Lord above, I don't HAVE to work to survive.  I have a husband that can support us if we tighten our belts a bit.

Paula came to visit yesterday, and we talked about all kinds of things. We discussed horses, chickens, gardens, Paleo diets, and natural healing.  We talked about how we could survive if there weren't tvs and cells get the idea.  I told her I was going to sit on the "pity pot" all day today....but I didn't! Only until 11, then I got up and started working around here.  My biggest thing is that I go so frinkin' slow. >:( >:( >:(  What my husband or niece can accomplish in 20 minutes takes me 90 minutes or longer.  It's very frustrating. 

There are good things.  When I was in the fast food business, my owner operator trained me well.  I took advantage of every opportunity he offered, and have thanked God many times in the 10 years for the skills I acquired.  To Do lists are my very best friends.  I write down EVERYTHING I need to do, no matter how small, so that I can see that I'm doing SOMETHING.  Other good things are that now I can concentrate on downsizing, decluttering, working on a business plan, and working on the garden plots.  Oh, and Chanda talking about Quickbooks reminded me I need to see about online business classes.

Yeah....the garden plots... >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D  The volunteer plot (where volunteer tomatoes, corn, sunflowers, millet and a couple of squash grew) is inside the area we have fenced off for Spanky.  I think I'll leave it, and see what comes up this year.  I think this year's cold snap killed off my mint, but I'll see if it recovers.  I'm trying to decide if I want to use a couple of cattle panels to make a hoop greenhouse.  I'll put one end of the panels on the ground, and attach the other end to a board between two fence posts.  The end attached to the board would be at a 5 foot height.  I can close it in with plastic for now, and CHASE my chickens inside.  Then they can till it for me for the next month or so.  I figured that if it works, I could move it down one section and create another plot.  I WANT to have several plots, but realistically I'd better stick with just two.  I want to be successful, not overextend myself then be angry because I failed.

So, that's what I'll be doing for the next 90 days.  I will do my very best to take pictures to document progress.  I often forget photos, as I'm a words person.  I can usually describe stuff well enough for people to see or feel what I'm trying to communicate. (Unless, like above description, I edit myself as to not ramble on too long.)  I'll be watching what everyone else is doing, and celebrating successes and commiserating when things don't work out.

Title: Re: Plans for 2018
Post by: dcwolcott on February 04, 2018, 09:03:18 PM
SPEED is not always what it's cut out to be.  How gently we all learn this, since it happens to all of us.  You are getting lots of prayers on your new 90 day life, and will look forward to your words and pictures of your new endeavor~!   ;pray ;pray
Title: Re: Plans for 2018
Post by: Ryan on February 05, 2018, 05:36:26 PM
Julie, with everything that has happened over the last year , you are well overdue for some R&R time, especially to get your health back on track.  I hope your feeling better soon Julie :)

Have fun in your veggie plots ( cant wait to see lots of pics) and make sure you take out some time for yourself.
Title: Re: Plans for 2018
Post by: Chanda on September 11, 2018, 10:44:43 AM
So did any one get through their 2018 plans?

I didn't get squat done this year, just didn't feel like it.  just normal daily things got done, nothing extra.

We've started harvest, so I "get" to drive truck and unload them in the bins.  We have spring wheat only for crops, and then cows and hay.
Title: Re: Plans for 2018
Post by: dcwolcott on September 11, 2018, 11:46:31 AM
Never got any vegetables in, but did redo some flower gardens, trim some trees and bushes around my house, and still have lots to do to finish up.  But somehow, my energy level just isn't the same as it used to be.

We have spent a lot of time cleaning out my mom's house, which was and is still a mess.  Hard to get all my son's and families together to get the mess cleaned out, and stuff taken to the dump (nine loads so far and didn't make a dent), etc.  Not a fun chore and families are so busy with vacations, etc.  Hopefully we can get it done in the next month or so, and I can get it sold.
Title: Re: Plans for 2018
Post by: Chanda on September 11, 2018, 12:37:30 PM
I can only imagine the time to go through someone else's house and decide what to keep what to let go.

Nothing to do with 2018 plans, but I'm waiting on a new pair of shoes to arrive, my current pair of work Ariat Terrains has a big hole (which I put Gorilla tape on, and it's now coming off, after walking on it almost a week), so they leak when I step in the water from the over run water tank.   :o 
Title: Re: Plans for 2018
Post by: Ryan on September 11, 2018, 06:53:07 PM
My yearly plans or chores around the house usually start around now as the better weather arrives.

I really wanna get my veggies into the ground in the next month. My only other MUST DO is to get the rest of the paddocks done.

I think this year has been a little on the crappy side........... A few sick family members etc, Finding out a friend with a brain injury was living in a homeless shelter after her family sent her back to Australia from the UK. After 5 operations to remove a tumor, our friend just wasn't the same. Memory loss and drinking has not helped either so she had to return to to the UK where her family was. After they couldnt help her, they put her on a one way flight here  :-[  (with a back pack and no money)  She is home now and I hope she is doing great.

Tomorrow marks the one year anniversary my gardener was murdered in his back shed. I only hope one day they have enough evidence to charge the person we all know did it.

So I think we agree this years been a little blah for all of us !

Title: Re: Plans for 2018
Post by: Ryan on September 11, 2018, 07:38:07 PM
Completely off topic, but when I took this Pic last night , It made me smile :)

Hoping it does for you too !!
Title: Re: Plans for 2018
Post by: dcwolcott on September 12, 2018, 07:43:05 AM
That's very cool, Ryan!  You get such good pictures and we appreciate you sharing them!
Title: Re: Plans for 2018
Post by: Ryan on September 12, 2018, 06:51:58 PM
Thankyou I am very blessed where I live :)
Title: Re: Plans for 2018
Post by: Silver City Heritage Farm on September 28, 2018, 11:32:28 PM
I like that picture too, Ryan.  Happy Belated Spring, by the way. I thought about you a lot that day. Did you celebrate?

I didn't get done.what I'd planned. I'll bring things up to date over this weekend.
Title: Re: Plans for 2018
Post by: Silver City Heritage Farm on October 03, 2018, 09:33:19 PM
And more slap at us from 2018.  You'll see why in another thread. 

The only gardening I've done this year has been ornamentals in pots.  It's been a very dry year on my in between 1 June and until Hurricane Florence came through 14 September, we'd had less that 3" total of rain.

However, I've nurtured our lawn along, and it now covers 2/3's of the property.  The petunias have self-seeded every year and we've now a couple of large patches.  My roses had to be cut down to the ground in August, because we had to move the campers to the back of the property.  I'm so very happy that they're coming back!!

It's been a topsy turvy year, and I'm putting everything to rest.  Once cold weather sets in, I'll be moving the roses to their permanent bed.  I've started the compost piles so that I'll be prepared to start again after the first of the year.

Until then, I'll enjoy whatever gardening our southern hemisphere friends Ryan and Carly Rae care to share with us.
Title: Re: Plans for 2018
Post by: dcwolcott on October 04, 2018, 07:55:13 AM
For sure!  I always enjoy Ryan and Carly Rae keeping us updated on their side of the globe!

We've had our normal run during out rainy season, and some extra from hurricanes and tropical storms.  Yards have to be mown at least once a week because of the grass growing, and potted plants almost need a daily long drink just to keep them going.  If you miss a day or two, all flower can be lost.  I'm still trying to add some bushes into my gardens around my house, and although I have the time, the heat is too great to work outside in the sun. Like this week, we are happily in the low 90's during the day and into the low 70's at night, but having thunder storms each day this week and the coming week, with Sunday being the only day rain isn't predicted.  Too hot to plant!